Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Not just a miscarriage, Pregnancy Problems Also Marked with Bleeding

Not just a miscarriage, Pregnancy Problems Also Marked with   Bleeding
When pregnant , women usually would scare when found herself  bleeding . It's not wrong for directly go to the doctor , but vaginal bleeding was common in the first trimester .

Bleeding is normal and not a problem . However , if bleeding occurs in the second and third trimester , there is most likely some serious complications . The cause of bleeding among other infections , hormonal changes , stress, and unregulated sexual relationships.

Bleeding in the first trimester and the second could be indicative of a miscarriage. Bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage but did not immediately direct loss occurs . Studies show 20 to 30 percent of women experience some degree of bleeding in early pregnancy miscarriage and half will not .Besides miscarriage , bleeding during pregnancy can also be an indication of several things, such as reported by Boldsky , Saturday ( 11/16/2013 ) :

1 . Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus . Tuba falopi usually a major factor of the occurrence of ectopic pregnancies occur in one out of 60 pregnancies .

2 . molar pregnancy
Molar pregnancy or often called ' mole ' is a rare cause of early bleeding . Molar pregnancy is an abnormal result of network growth , not the growth of the embryo .

3 . Abrupsi placenta
Vaginal bleeding can be caused by the placenta separates from the uterine wall before or during childbirth . Only one percent of pregnant women who have this problem and usually this is the case for the last 12 weeks of pregnancy .

4 . placenta previa
Placenta previa occurs when the placenta is located at the bottom of the uterus to cover some or all of the cervix. This condition is dangerous and should be immediately addressed. Placenta previa occurs in one out of 200 pregnancies . Extract the poison bleeding occurs without pain .

5 . premature birth
Vaginal bleeding can be a sign of labor . A few weeks before labor , usually out of a blend of mucus secretions and blood . Ideally, you do not wear a tampon or anything in the vagina area and also sexual intercourse when bleeding occurs .

If bleeding occurred a long time ago before dressing , should consult the doctor as it could be a sign you will give birth prematurely .

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